Yes! We, warm-weather creatures, decided to go to a remote European island, just below the Arctic Circle, where the average temperature in summer is 11 degrees, and without a rain jacket it is better not to leave the house.
But what the heck! After all, going to warm countries on vacation is so mainstream ;)
Beautiful Iceland!
is beautiful, wild, unspoiled, natural – whoever hasn’t at least once come across photos showing fjords, geysers, hot springs, glaciers, volcanoes or waterfalls, probably doesn’t have the internet :) The views are inviting, and despite the unfavorable weather for some people, for these views it is worth going there.
In one country you can both bathe in hot springs, walk on active craters, see and walk on a glacier, admire seals, masconurs and whales, see the aurora borealis and much more – truly a powerhouse of attractions for young and old :)
What more could you want! Well, a good air connection to Iceland :) Fortunately, Wizz Air has solved this problem and launched direct flights from Poland to the capital of Iceland. As soon as we saw this news, it wasn’t half an hour and we already had our airline tickets purchased (and all this remotely ;) ). What’s that from Gdansk. For that moment, the most important thing was that we were flying!
We bought tickets for August, so the very high-high season in Iceland. If you’re looking for a low-budget trip, you’ll want to avoid the July-September period by a wide margin. And it’s not even the price of accommodations or car rentals – the problem is accessibility.
True, we managed to book the car and accommodations some 2-3 months before departure, but they were the most expensive accommodations we had bought so far, and not at all in the best locations. One simply takes what is there.
Of course, if you prefer a tent, camping – there should always be a place here, nevertheless for us it was more important to go into a warm and dry room and sleep peacefully at night :) Yes, there even in August heaters work and you can dry things. From the stories of other tourists we met along the way, I know that they booked accommodations as early as February, although it was not significantly cheaper at all….
We had plane tickets, we had all our accommodations and car booked. The plan was simple: go around the island and see as much as possible. We will be posting a very detailed report with millions of photos here soon, so…. fear! :D
PS> It is now possible to buy tickets to Iceland from Warsaw.
>> You can find the entire report here: Iceland! Recommended :)