“The Big Apple,” “The Concrete Jungle,” “The City That Never Sleeps,” “The Place Where Dreams Come True…” There are many terms for New York, and each of them is interesting, intriguing and makes the city a travel dream for many…
Florida FAQ – frequently asked questions about travel to the USA
No trip has ever generated as much interest as our two-week stay in Florida, USA. We received a lot of questions from you during the trip, and you also asked us questions upon our return. We decided to collect these…
Lviv – practically tips before you go
Lviv is a very reasonably priced city for a City Break. Both the access and the prices on the ground make many people decide to spend at least a weekend in our eastern neighbors. What do you need to know…
Switzerland – practical tips and summary
Switzerland practically, that is, some tips on what to know and remember before going to Switzerland. What to bring with you? Is it really that expensive? What is a must-see? Welcome to the summary of our trip to Switzerland. We…
Singapore – practical information (public transport, internet, food)
We have prepared for you a handful of practical information that will come in handy before traveling to Singapore. It will be about public transportation, getting from the airport, the cheapest internet, accommodation, shopping, eating and much more! Singapore is…
China – some important practical tips you should know about
We’ve written quite a bit about China, like probably no other country. We could write much, much more, and we still won’t be able to say with confidence that we have given you everything in detail, learned the culture in…