Japan – TOP 17 attractions in Japan (not TOP 10 ;-))

We have been in Japan for some time now. The country is so wonderful and magnificent, completely different from the rest of the world, that we often return with memories of our visit to Japan. We also go back there,…

Japan – a summary of the eastern vacation

We spent nine days in Japan. What did we manage to see? What exactly did we do? What is it like to travel on the Shinkansen superfast train? It’s time for a summary! Unfortunately, all good things come to an…

Japan – day 8, a little more Kyoto and the real Japan

Packed, loaded with backpacks, we set off on our journey. One more spot in Kyoto and we headed for a small town called Fujimami in Wakayama Prefecture, where tourists are unlikely to look. But how to be in Japan and…

Japan – Day 7, Nara and Kyoto continued….

Feeling immensely unsatisfied after one day in Kyoto, we decided not to let go and made a second approach. This time the conditions were more favorable and we also managed to reach Nara. And all this in one day. We…

Japan – day 5, traditional Kyoto

Kyoto (Kyoto) is a city with traditions, temples, chrams, the destination of almost all trips to Japan. It is said that being in Japan and not seeing Kyoto is like being in Poland and not seeing Krakow. Thus, we devoted…

Japan – day 4, Kamakura, Yokohama

The fourth day in Japan was the last day in Tokyo. We set off in the direction of Kyoto, stopping at two towns along the way: Yokohama and Kamakura. It was a long day for us, during which we covered…