Lower Silesia

Attractions in Lower Silesia! Below we present you with a list of all the attractions in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia that we had the opportunity to personally visit. You will find both attractions for children and also attractions for adults!

What to do in and around Karpacz?

We present you with some tips on what to do around Karpacz, especially if you went there for the weekend with children :) We started thinking about what to do in Karpacz when we were planning our stay at the…

Lower Silesia – not only castles and palaces

Lower Silesia is not only castles, but they are the biggest attraction of the region :) We went to this region of Poland precisely to see some better or worse preserved castles and palaces, and in the process we discovered…

Lower Silesia: Książ Castle – you praise others, you do not know your own

Książ Castle is considered one of the most beautiful castles in Poland, and in terms of size it ranks third in our country. This is where we started our short tour of the castles of Lower Silesia. Short, but very…

Palace (not castle!) in Moszna (not Moszna) :)

We continue our tour of our beautiful Poland as part of our Ready for Poland series. After Malbork Castle, we decided it was time to see other outstanding castles. So we set off in the direction of Lower Silesia, our…