Camping in Switzerland – Switzerland tour by camper!

Switzerland is not a cheap country. We had hoped that overnight stays in an RV would save us some pennies – but how was it in reality? We will describe to you some sample campsites, prices and “lessons learned” –…

Across Switzerland by camper – first impressions

We just returned from a too-short (as always!) trip to Switzerland. The trip was no small matter, because for the first time in our lives we had the opportunity to go by camper van! So we hasten to give you…

Camper – is it a good idea?

We can let the secret out – this year we are fulfilling one of our biggest dreams! And more than the destination itself, it is about the way we travel, because we will finally be able to get into a…

Ready for… 2018 – just do what you love!

The time between Christmas and New Year’s is the perfect time to take stock of what has been happening over the past 12 months. It’s time to look back to see what we accomplished, what brought us the most joy,…

Ready for… 2017?

How is it that year after year, those 365 (sometimes 366) days fly by faster and faster? Before we know it, it’s already another New Year’s Eve, another New Year, time to make new travel plans and squeeze more vacations…

Ready for … 2016?

And so we said goodbye to 2015 and welcomed 2016, another year, more years fly by…. And for us, it’s another chance to realize our dreams and goals. This is going to be a special year for us, we are…